About Us
教會於1996年7月在一弟兄家中舉行了首次主日崇拜. 每週開始有禱告會,之後也成立了成人主日學及各種團契. 教會主日聚會大約有250人, 同時提供國語和英語崇拜,以及各年齡層次的兒童主日學.
About Us
Las Vegas Chinese Christian Church is a non-denominational church made up of Christians who believe in the one true God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The church was established in July, 1996, with the first Sunday worship service held at a member’s home. Subsequently we also began weekly prayer meetings and added adult Sunday school and various fellowships. Currently, the average Sunday congregation is about 250 people. We conduct our service in both Mandarin and English, and we also provide various age levels of Children Sunday School.
We acquired our own new building place for worship in year 2011, and we moved in the new place on August 25, 2012.
8978 West Nevso Drive,
Las Vegas, NV 89147
+1 702-541-1894
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