主 日 崇 拜 上 午 10:30 開 始
Sunday Worship Starts at 10:30 a.m.

Title of the document

願 上 帝 祝 福 您 瀏 覽 我 們 的 網 站!       May God bless you on browsing our website!



教會於1996年7月在一弟兄家中舉行了首次主日崇拜.  每週開始有禱告會,之後也成立了成人主日學及各種團契.  教會主日聚會大約有250人, 同時提供國語和英語崇拜,以及各年齡層次的兒童主日學.



2024-10-13 啓示錄的概述 [启示录 1:3] 郭炳恩長老

如果你所在國家不能訪問以上YouTube鏈接, 請點訪問我們的影音資料庫觀看MP4格式視頻, 或者收聽講道MP3格式錄音

感 謝 您 支 持 我 們 的 福 音 事 工。在 線 奉 獻 請 點 擊 這裡

8978 West Nevso Drive,

Las Vegas, NV 89147  

+1 702-541-1894


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拉斯維加斯中華基督徒禮拜堂 (LVCCC) 媒體規章:

本教會推⾏各樣事⼯,包括但不限於: 主⽇崇拜、主⽇學、洗禮、唱詩班獻詩和⾳樂會、特別演講、團契活動、聖經課程、退休會、宣教旅⾏和其他特別節⽬和活動。 我們教會使⽤攝影、錄⾳/錄像、直播和其他設備來記錄、推廣和慶祝本教會的事⼯。 錄製的媒體可⽤於公佈欄 、幻燈⽚和 PowerPoint 微軟演示⽂稿軟件、印刷出版物以及本教會網站、教會 YouTube 視頻和社交媒體。

▪ 印刷出版物包括教會週報、教會通訊、海報、⼩冊⼦、邀請函、報紙廣告等。
▪ 在線分享包括教會網站、社交媒體和 YouTube 頻道。


(i) 您同意被拍照、錄像或以其他⽅式保存記錄;

(ii) 您授予本教會許可使⽤包含您的影像、聲⾳或⾔論的錄⾳,⽽無需向您提供報償、或其他考量, 以助本教會在全球事⼯的推動及宣教等⽬的;

(iii) 您同意本教會免負因使⽤您的影像、聲⾳或⾔論⽽產⽣的任何及所有責任並同意本教會免於賠償要求及受到任何損害。



1. 雖然本教會保留⽤拍攝/錄像來記錄教會活動的權利,我們會儘⼒確保⽤安全和正⾯建設性的⽅式使⽤攝影和錄像。 我們不會故意或存⼼發佈附有任何照⽚、視頻或其他錄像 /錄⾳,使得任何可能被明確識別的個⼈感到尷尬、反感或收受到傷害。

2. 除⾮獲得許可,我們不會在網上發佈附有任何個⼈全名或其他識別信息(例如電話號碼、電郵地址、住址) 的照⽚或視頻。

3. 有些⼈可能不想讓本教會使⽤他們或他們未成年⼦⼥的照⽚/視頻,我們會尊重他們的意願。 本教會將盡⼀切可能避免拍攝這些⼈或有他們個⼈在內的集體照⽚/視頻,為此本教會已為其提供了“媒體選擇退出表格”存檔⽴案。 然⽽,確保他們個⼈或未成年⼈不會被無意中包含在任何集體照⽚/視頻中 (除⾮是額外拍攝僅供他們個⼈收藏之⽤)是這些⼈或⽗⺟/監護⼈的最終責任.

4. 如果您在本教會網站或社交媒體網⾴上看到包含您或您⼦⼥的照⽚並希望將其刪除,請致電702-541-1894 聯繫本教會辦公室。 請注意,我們無法在事後從視頻或直播訊息中刪除您的影像。另外也請了解,本教會無法控制⾮教會成員(例如社區成員、新聞媒體)在事先獲得許可的情況下錄製、使⽤和發佈的影像或其他媒體,也無法在事後刪除⾮本教會出版的(例如互聯網或社交媒體等網站出版的)此類媒體。

5. 除⾮另有說明,照⽚和視頻均為本教會財產和版權所有,未經本教會許可不得⽤於任何⽬的(包括但不限於:下載、打印、分發、鏈接)。

6. 在未經本教會事先同意的情況下, 任何⼈不得拍攝本教會活動的照⽚和視頻,並將其發佈到⾮本教會操作的社交媒體上。 任何違反者必須對此類⾏動的後果承擔完全責任。


有些⼈可能不想讓本教會使⽤他們個⼈或未成年⼦⼥的照⽚/視頻,我們會尊重他們的意願。 因此,本教會為這些個⼈或家庭提供“媒體選擇退出表格”。 如果您不反對本教會使⽤您或您未成年⼦⼥的照⽚/視頻,則無需簽署或送回此表格。

該表格的副本可在教會辦公室和本教會網站lvccc.org 上取得。 [該媒體選擇退出表格的副本可在此下載 ] [您可以在此處獲取媒體規章中文版]

附註: 以上中華基督徒禮拜堂媒體規章如與英⽂原版有任何抵觸或有疏漏之處,則以英⽂原版為準

Las Vegas Chinese Christian Church (LVCCC) Media Policy

LVCCC provides various ministries including but not limited to Sunday worship, Sunday Schools, baptisms, choir performances and concerts, special presentations, fellowship activities, Bible classes, revival meetings, mission trips and other special programs and events. Our church uses photography, videography, live streaming and other recording to record, to promote, and to celebrate our church ministries. The media recorded may be used on bulletin boards, in slide shows and PowerPoint presentations, in printed publications, and on our church web site, church YouTube videos and social media.

  • Printed publications include church weekly bulletins, church newsletters, posters, brochures, invitations, newspaper ads, etc.

  • Online sharing includes church website, social media and YouTube channel.

By participating in LVCCC services, activities and events including but not limited to the above listed: (i) you consent to be photographed, videotaped or otherwise recorded; (ii) you grant your permission for LVCCC to use recordings containing your image, likeness, voice or statements, without compensation, credit or other consideration to you, for LVCCC’s promotional, publicity and other purposes, throughout the world and in perpetuity; and (iii) you agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify LVCCC from any and all liabilities and claims involving the use of your image, likeness, voice or statements.

Media Use Policy [You may obtain a copy of the policy here]

  1. While LVCCC reserves the right to photograph and record church events, we strive to ensure that photography and videography are used in safe and positive ways. We will not knowingly and intentionally post any photo, video or other recording that would be embarrassing, objectionable or hurtful to any clearly, personally identifiable individual in the recording.

  1. Unless permission has been granted, we will not post online a photo or a video with any full names or other identifying information (e.g., phone numbers, emails, addresses).

  1. Some persons may choose not to have their photos/videos, or those of their children, used and we respect their wishes. LVCCC will do everything possible to avoid taking photos/videos of these persons or a group photos/videos involving minors, for whom we have Media Opt-Out Forms on file. However, it is these persons’ or parents’ or guardians’ ultimate responsibilities to ensure they or the minors are not inadvertently included in any group photos/videos, unless extra photos including themselves are taken for their own collection only.

  1. If you see a photo on our church website or social media page that includes you or your child and would like it removed, please contact our church office at 702-541-1894. Please note we cannot remove your image from video or live stream messages after the fact. Please also understand that our church has no control over the recording, use and posting of images or other media by non-church staff (e.g., by community members, news outlets) with prior permission and no ability to remove such media from publications, including internet or social media sites, that are not run by our church after the fact.

  1. Unless otherwise indicated, photos and videos are the property of and are copyrighted by LVCCC and may not be used for any purpose (including but not limited to: downloading, printing, distributing, linking) without permission from LVCCC.

  1. Any persons taking photos and videos of LVCCC church activities and post them without prior church consent on non-church run social media are not permitted. Any violators shall be fully responsible and solely liable for the consequences of such postings.

Media Opt-Out Option   [Download Media Opt-Out Form Here.]

Some persons may choose not to have their photos/videos of their children, used and we respect their wishes. Therefore, we are providing a Media Opt-Out form for individuals or families who prefer NOT to have photographs of themselves used by our church. If you have no objection to the use of your photos/videos, you do not need to sign or return this form.

Copies of this form are available in the church office and on LVCCC website lvccc.org.